At Washburn, we use the PBIS system to build school wide expectations referred to as our "code."
Students shall be...
Respectful, Persistent, Responsible, Safe
At the beginning of each school year, and routinely throughout the year, students and teachers review the school code of conduct for certain activities and common locations within and outside of the building. Students may earn Code Cash when "caught" adhering to the code. Code Cash may be used to purchase items from the school store, or to enter
drawings for prizes.
For Tier 2 behavior interventions, students are selected based on multiple factors to be on a check-in and check-out system. Students set goals daily and earn incentives as they follow the code throughout their day.
What is PBIS?
"Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework for improving and integrating all of the data systems, and practices affecting students outcomes every day. It is a way to support everyone - to create the kinds of schools where all students are successful.
PBIS isn't a curriculum you purchase or something you learn during a one day professional development training. It is a commitment to addressing student behavior through systems change. When it's implemented well, students achieve improved social and academic outcomes." -