February 14th, 2025
Snow Days: Traditional & Remote
The Auburn School Department has now used all of its three (3) traditional snow days. For the next weather-related school closure we will switch to Remote Instruction Days. We are sending home packets for REMOTE days, in the event your child is unable to log on to the internet to join remote instruction.
The following is important information regarding Remote snow days:
1. You will receive a schedule and zoom links. Students will have a schedule with links in their communication folders. This information will be coming home today along with this letter.
2. A snow day packet is also attached for safe keeping. This packet should be used if you cannot access the internet OR if we have an unexpected snow day cancellation.
3. If we have advance notice of a snow storm and that a potential cancellation may occur, we will send home a charged iPad with K-6 students to access their zooms from their teacher, specialists, special ed program, enrichment, interventions, etc. Teachers will send home a REMIND letting you know the ipad has been sent.
4. We ask that ipads be returned to school the next school day.
5. If a snow day packet was used, we ask that it is returned the next school day. If it was not used because your child attended remotely, please keep the packet for a potential future snow day.

If we have advance notice of a storm, you can pre-order a lunch for your students. They will bring it home with them the previous day.
Please scan the QR code to order lunches.
Thank you,
Meghan Wood